Thursday 10 May 2018

Own House

Time to buy own house /Flat/ land/ property

Here Lagna lord ,4th lord ,significant planets  Mars,Moon,venus, will play major roll here.If 4th lord in shubh yoga or aspected by beneficial planets will bestow the native promise of own house.

Note: Affliction on 4th house and karka tatva can change the result,if 4th lord is posited in 6th house ,no afflication on 4th house or aspected by netural benefial planets promise the house with loan.

If 4th lord and karka planets are in good houses 1,4,7,10,5,or 9 give land/ property in its own dasha,antar dasha or pratayntar dasha.

remidies to make own house:

1. donate kheer to young girls every friday.

2.Eat food in kitchen area.

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