Thursday 10 May 2018


Career Consultation/job/Business/promotion

In today's throat cutting world you need to be step a head. Foretell of stars how can help to choose right career .How stars can help to grow business /promotion/apt vocation which can lead you to destination of success.

sun:  medicine,gold, treading,ambassadorship,Government job,tours,advisory capacity

Moon: water trading,clothing ,government  adviser,law suit,navy,agriculture,cinema

mars: fire station job,military, police ,boiler,surgeon

Mercury : own business,electronic media, mathematician,lawyer,intellectual jobs

Jupiter: banking ,religious/spiritual/motivational guru,management,teacher

venus: jwellery,clothing, business , water and milk deals ,female articles

saturn: labors job,extra responsibilities, edible oil, mine and research 

jup+mar+sat = surgeoun

jup+venus= finance /managem

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