Thursday 10 May 2018


Divorce in kundli/Separation

Why divorce takes place in life ,today divorce and separation is very common in the fast moving life.I have seen many couples get married after long courtship but after sometime they take the decision to get separated/divorce. if the divorce is mutual so none of them go through legal harassment. If that is not so,it can create complications of various way.

There can be several reason for divorce or separation will only discuss Astrology divorce indicators,But I want to suggest you that proper Horoscope matching can reduce the chances of marital discord.But Ashatkoota Guna matching is not the proper way of doing a kundli Matching. Proper marriage matching is very effective to avoid divorce or separation even after malefic influence in chart.
Astrology gives very clear indications of divorce ie; sun, mars ,rahu ,saturn are separative planet there aspect or association with 7th h or 7th lord,conjunction of 6th , 8th, 12th house or there  lord lead the native to divorce.

Planetary combination of divorce:

. If 7th lord is hemmed between malefics or posited in 6th ,8th or 12th house.

. If malefic sun,mars,saturn or rahu posited in 7th house or lagna.
. lord of 7th house is debilitated or cumbust ,7th house and karka of marriage are afflicted.

. jupiter and venus being debilitated ,hemmed between malifics or posited in malefic navmansha.


Career Consultation/job/Business/promotion

In today's throat cutting world you need to be step a head. Foretell of stars how can help to choose right career .How stars can help to grow business /promotion/apt vocation which can lead you to destination of success.

sun:  medicine,gold, treading,ambassadorship,Government job,tours,advisory capacity

Moon: water trading,clothing ,government  adviser,law suit,navy,agriculture,cinema

mars: fire station job,military, police ,boiler,surgeon

Mercury : own business,electronic media, mathematician,lawyer,intellectual jobs

Jupiter: banking ,religious/spiritual/motivational guru,management,teacher

venus: jwellery,clothing, business , water and milk deals ,female articles

saturn: labors job,extra responsibilities, edible oil, mine and research 

jup+mar+sat = surgeoun

jup+venus= finance /managem

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Own House

Time to buy own house /Flat/ land/ property

Here Lagna lord ,4th lord ,significant planets  Mars,Moon,venus, will play major roll here.If 4th lord in shubh yoga or aspected by beneficial planets will bestow the native promise of own house.

Note: Affliction on 4th house and karka tatva can change the result,if 4th lord is posited in 6th house ,no afflication on 4th house or aspected by netural benefial planets promise the house with loan.

If 4th lord and karka planets are in good houses 1,4,7,10,5,or 9 give land/ property in its own dasha,antar dasha or pratayntar dasha.

remidies to make own house:

1. donate kheer to young girls every friday.

2.Eat food in kitchen area.