Thursday 10 May 2018


Divorce in kundli/Separation

Why divorce takes place in life ,today divorce and separation is very common in the fast moving life.I have seen many couples get married after long courtship but after sometime they take the decision to get separated/divorce. if the divorce is mutual so none of them go through legal harassment. If that is not so,it can create complications of various way.

There can be several reason for divorce or separation will only discuss Astrology divorce indicators,But I want to suggest you that proper Horoscope matching can reduce the chances of marital discord.But Ashatkoota Guna matching is not the proper way of doing a kundli Matching. Proper marriage matching is very effective to avoid divorce or separation even after malefic influence in chart.
Astrology gives very clear indications of divorce ie; sun, mars ,rahu ,saturn are separative planet there aspect or association with 7th h or 7th lord,conjunction of 6th , 8th, 12th house or there  lord lead the native to divorce.

Planetary combination of divorce:

. If 7th lord is hemmed between malefics or posited in 6th ,8th or 12th house.

. If malefic sun,mars,saturn or rahu posited in 7th house or lagna.
. lord of 7th house is debilitated or cumbust ,7th house and karka of marriage are afflicted.

. jupiter and venus being debilitated ,hemmed between malifics or posited in malefic navmansha.


Career Consultation/job/Business/promotion

In today's throat cutting world you need to be step a head. Foretell of stars how can help to choose right career .How stars can help to grow business /promotion/apt vocation which can lead you to destination of success.

sun:  medicine,gold, treading,ambassadorship,Government job,tours,advisory capacity

Moon: water trading,clothing ,government  adviser,law suit,navy,agriculture,cinema

mars: fire station job,military, police ,boiler,surgeon

Mercury : own business,electronic media, mathematician,lawyer,intellectual jobs

Jupiter: banking ,religious/spiritual/motivational guru,management,teacher

venus: jwellery,clothing, business , water and milk deals ,female articles

saturn: labors job,extra responsibilities, edible oil, mine and research 

jup+mar+sat = surgeoun

jup+venus= finance /managem

contact to our expert Astrologers  

Own House

Time to buy own house /Flat/ land/ property

Here Lagna lord ,4th lord ,significant planets  Mars,Moon,venus, will play major roll here.If 4th lord in shubh yoga or aspected by beneficial planets will bestow the native promise of own house.

Note: Affliction on 4th house and karka tatva can change the result,if 4th lord is posited in 6th house ,no afflication on 4th house or aspected by netural benefial planets promise the house with loan.

If 4th lord and karka planets are in good houses 1,4,7,10,5,or 9 give land/ property in its own dasha,antar dasha or pratayntar dasha.

remidies to make own house:

1. donate kheer to young girls every friday.

2.Eat food in kitchen area.

Saturday 31 March 2018


Character influences  of the Nakshatras

1. Ashwini: The very first nakshatra among the 27 nakshatras in the zodiac and ruled by Ketu.

Deity: Ashwini Kumar
Symbol: horse head

This Nakshatra fall in Aries sign, 0 degrees to 13degree 20 minutes.This sign is ruled by( the chief of the cosmic army)Mars. Lord of skilful potential and courage, known for his instant action People born in this nakshatra are young looking, bright eyes, broad forehead, fast, intelligent, active, energetic, impatient.They love speed, strong mind and extravagant.
They enjoy travelling and often skilful work and may have healing abilities. The Ashwini Kumar's are known as god healer and as well sons of the Savitra.Because of their hasty nature, they invite trouble for themselves, but the Sun got exaltation in this nakshatra.So, they receive fiery energy of Sun. Sun has the power to rule the cosmic planets and entity of universe, of course, to rule the universe intelligence and supremacy is required to shoot all troubles.Here the Sun give skill and Mars bestow the heroism to the become troubleshooter.

2. Bharini: 

ruling planet: Venus

Deity: Yama ( god of Death, Shiva)

Symbol: Gaja,yoni( elephant)

span: 13 degrees 20 min to 26 degrees 40 min

Here a beautiful intimacy can be seen, Sun is soul, Mars is energy, Venus is playing the role of sperm = beginning of the new life.the symbol of this nakshatra completely justified the energy of three planets energy. people born under the influence of this nakshatra posses magnetic personality, alluring eyes, long nose bridge, appealing smile and sweet and tactful speech.this nakshatra's energies bestow the native creative and reproductive affirmation. The Sun, Mars and Ketu are firey toughness and Venus's lust accord the native self-indulgence, skilful, conscientious let go the person happy and healthy attributes.They also tend to be impatient and find hard to forgive.setbacks can shift their properties from material to spiritual transcendence. Bharni folk usually have to bear extra responsibility, they love their family cant like to stay away from their family even for one day.

Friday 16 February 2018

debilitation of saturn

Saturn is the outer most planet in the solar system.saturn is a cold and slow-moving planet, it takes thirty years to compleat the orbit.Satun is known as (Dand Adhikari) or lord of karma, who justice with everyone's karma.Saturn love petitions, persistence, dedication, hard work and rule regulation, discipline and effort more than your capacity.He is the son of the great life giver Sun, who spread his bright energy equally in the world.but they both are known the bitter enemy of Astrology.

Sun is known as the king of the solar system where Saturn despite being his son is called (sewak) or shudra planet.sun being a king like to rule thas why when any planet comes under the orb of the sun it becomes combust, that planet will be forced to give the result as per suns verdict, combust planet cannot have his identity because he is in the courtyard front of the king.

Though, Saturn is just opposite to the sun. Saturn doesn't believe in partially, it loves socialism, meeting people those are lower of the cast, banished one, Saturn take time to give the verdict because it gives the number of chances to the person to improve his/her karma.It loses to power in Aries and become debilitated at 20degree in venus's navmansha =exalted in D9.

Aries is a firey sign full of action and energy, ruled by the aggressive chief of God of war. mars are planet or desire and survival, it is raw energy rather than create one.mars get exalted in Capricorn the sign ruled my his enemy Saturn.That's  superb quality of mars in enemy's area making own mansion Dhanishtha.A brave man in the land of war. such a display of valour can be explained by mars.

But Saturn becomes weakest herein Aries, mars won't allow him to dominate the native by Saturns carchertstics.If Saturn becomes debilitated in Lagna so make the person to lazy, slow-moving mind always need a push to go head for every action. Here native has to start his carrier in early age and need to put maximum effort to earn a piece of gain.


Anjali Chattopadhyay


Thursday 15 February 2018


Cosmic energy

The 27+1 constellation can be seen in the zodiac family along the ecliptic. Ashwini to Rewati,each sign contain nine navmansha ,which are equivalent to nine plants. If lagna ,lagna lord ,moon or more then one planet reside in a particular planet,the ruling plant of this nakshtra will start playing an important role in the birth chart. So that  is why i call it key nakshtra.

The ruling planet of key nakshtra posited in kenda ,trikona ,friendly sign ,own sign or exalted sign can give excellent result to the native.In my opinion all the nine planets are playing the role of energy changer .For example we switch on the bulb in a dark room, we can see the brighter side of the room .Its doesn't mean darkness been banished or vice a versa no its still there only we change the energy.

Similarly when we see the person is going through a particular phase of the life as a astrologer we say this is time to grow or fall in your life.But if you consider we just talk about MD,AD or PD,what about the transit?Slow planets take a long span to shift there role but fast-planets interchange there energy in very short time periods.Indeed moon is fastest moving planet in among them all but if we ignore moon and its interchanging energy, ( though we can not,because its control our mind and emotions)so rest of the inner planets are playing major role in our daily life .

Anjali chattopadhyay


Tuesday 13 February 2018

mystery of Retrograde planet

Mystery of Retrograde planet

Astrology in theory of rebirth and karmas,past ,present and future.In Geeta (chapter -2, shloka -30),it is said Atma is indestructible in the body.That is why it is considered as a vehicle for carrying on the burden of karmas to the next birth.Karmas are categorized as sanchit ,prarabdha and Agami.Sanchit karma are sum total of accumulated karma of the past lives. Prarabhda is the part, the fruits of which is to be experienced  in the present life . Agammi karmas are for the future birth.

The Sun is immortal soul responsible for completion of unfinished karmas birth after birth which is symbol by Leo sign of kalpurusha, Anuradha and jyeshta fall in 4th house and other yama nakshtra.
 Moola is  house ,5th house shows accumulated poorva janma karmas and 9th represents the prarabhdha. In  the process of retrograde motion ,planets generally remain between 5th and 9th house from the Sun.4th house shows preparatory work which is gradually slowing down and stopping before moving in the opposite direction .Extrnal planets Jupiter ,Saturn , mars become vakri  between these  houses.

Mars is Purusharth ( one's efforts)and energy. Jupiter is prarabhdha ,what human being is destined to get after taking birth in this mortal world and Saturn karma or the deeds one has to perform in this life. Without Puruhartha fruits of prarabhda can not be enjoyed . It is through performance of karma from birth to death that one fulfill this objective.

It is interesting to note that 5th to 9th house cover sign owned by Jupiter, Saturn and mars .Fire (Agni)of mars represented by Aries (initiative)of Kalpurusha falls in 9th house .10th is one's karma .
thus these three planets together exhibit what one gets during present life span.It is there logical to assume that incomplete task of past lives are completed in the present birth by retrograde planets.This is specifically true in case of external planets.

Anjali chattopadhyay